Sunday, November 23, 2014

Count (in FIBONACCI form)


that day

lost, whose low de-

scending sun, views from the hand no 

worthy action done - ah - do many laugh today or roll eyes at 

a quaint moral so stuffy as to be slid under the carpet of lazy that covers so much of the modern work ethic

Civic Duty (math square 9x9)

It's just a slate of names, you know, like

the judges. Does anybody ev-

er know the slightest thing about, say,

any of the judges on the bal-

lot that comes around in November?

And the others on the slate? Yes, them.

S***. You'd have to devote your life to

it; know what I'm saying? And who votes?

Us and the rabble, we're all equal. 

A Friend Passed

Take the cloak from his face, and at first let the corpse do its worst!Cover the face then cover the face now death has done all death can.
Absorbed in the new life he leads he recks not, he heeds. 
Cover the face now the solemn and strange.
Death has done all death can then cover the face. 
Cover the face then death has done all death can.
How he lies in his rights of a man!
Cover the face now death has done all death can.
The solemn and strange.
Cover the face then cover the face!
Death has done all death can.
Cover the face!

From Robert Browning OULIPO N+7